Category: News
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News 11 February 2021

II Notices – Wine Sector Regulations

Recent national and regional legislation on wine tourism Recent national and regional legislation on...

News 11 February 2021

Wine sector data

Packaged in IGT Terre Siciliane by type 2012-2022 Quantities packaged DOC SICILIA/IGT Terre...

News 9 February 2021

Project History

News 30 December 2020

Declarations and attestations Expired bodies

Declarations of financial situation Dr. Giacone 2020 Statement of financial position Occhipinti 2019 Statement of...

News 30 December 2020

Appointment documents for expired bodies

Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Antonio Giannettino D.

News 17 December 2020

IRVO relaunches the themes of research and experimentation

  Meetings have started with the world of Sicilian research for the sectors...

News 17 December 2020

Press release no. 3 of 12/17/2020

IRVO relaunches research and experimentation activities and meets Sicilian universities...

News 2 December 2020

Agea Circular Publication Storage of Dop/Igp Wines

With reference to our previous notice dated 11/27/2020, we inform you that it has been...

News 27 November 2020

Ministerial Decree relating to the storage of PDO/PGI wines 2020

Producers are informed that it was published on the Mipaaf website on...

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