Category: News
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News 4 August 2021

Tender documents and contracts

Elements for planning works, works, services and supplies Acts relating to...

News 1 July 2021

Prowein 2022

As we know, the Dusseldorf Prowein will be held from 27 to 29 March...

News 21 June 2021

Update 2021 Regional List of Vineyard Mentions

With DDG 2073 of 06/01/2021, published in the Official Journal of the Sicilian Region,...

News 4 June 2021

Three-year public works program

IRVO does not plan public works for amounts exceeding €100.

News 3 May 2021

PagoPA system

  NOTICE TO ALL OPERATORS In accordance with the provisions contained in the...

News 17 March 2021


Procedure for the disbursement of the Tfs/Tfr advance pursuant to art.

News 8 March 2021

MiPAAF circular for clarifications on the storage ministerial decree for PDO/PGI wines (02/2021)

We inform you that the Mipaaf (PIUE 7) with circular no.

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