Category: News
Pagina 9 di 24

Internationalization 26 May 2014

Sicilian wines appreciated in Spain

The wines of Sicily continue to arouse interest even on this second day...

Internationalization 23 May 2014

Vinoble 2014, Sicilian sweet wines on the catwalk

Natural, fortified and sweet wines, produced in Sicily, will also be present at...

Internationalization 16 May 2014

Beijing, trade agreements

Commercial agreements for the world of Sicilian wine have just been concluded in...

Internationalization 13 May 2014

Meeting in Beijing to encourage Sicilian wine exports

Tomorrow, May 14th, Sicilian wines will be the protagonists during a tasting that will take place...

Laboratories 9 May 2014

Accredia, inspection team

The inspection operations of the Accredia team concluded on Friday 9 May.

Viticultural technical assistance 23 April 2014

Downy mildew and powdery mildew

Peronospora The rains of these days may have activated the development of oospores;...

Laboratories 22 April 2014

Reduction of the alcohol content in wines, new project

The OK has arrived for a new project by IRVOS. Having recently concluded,...

Laboratories 22 April 2014

Reduction of the alcohol content in wines, new project

The OK has arrived for a new project by IRVOS. Having recently concluded,...

Programming 7 April 2014

Sol 2014, emotional proposal

 Special proposal for IRVOS SOL 2014 members § Explore the desires of...

Internationalization 31 March 2014

Award for “The world of Sicilian wine”

“The world of Sicilian wine”, book by Bill Nesto MW and Frances Di...

Viticultural technical assistance 24 March 2014

Avigere project

The conference on the "Avigere Project", held on 18 March 2014, in the splendid setting...

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