Category: News
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Internationalization 2 November 2015

Expo, thanks to IRVO from Cartabellotta

Expo 2015 is closing and it's time to take stock. Sicily, with the...

Internationalization 28 October 2015

Megavino 2015, the Sicilian experience

Mimmo Paone Company, Flora, Gelsomina, Pietracava, CVA Canicattì, Tenuta di Castellaro, Cantine Don...

Internationalization 26 September 2015

Expo, the IRVO guided tastings

Seven tastings that embrace the varied Sicilian wine panorama.

Internationalization 25 September 2015

Wine and Mediterranean diet, debate at Expo

“Sicilian gastronomy and the Mediterranean diet: regional cuisine and health benefits”.

Internationalization 22 September 2015

Irvo tasting at Douja d'Or

Forty-ninth edition for Douja d'Or, the famous wine fair in Asti which...

Viticultural technical assistance 19 August 2015

Doc Sicilia, certifications double

914. This is how much the certifications of DOC wine produced in Sicily amount to...

Viticultural technical assistance 13 August 2015

Organic wine, IRVO launches statistics

The first statistical data on producers have been completed and communicated...

Viticultural technical assistance 5 August 2015

Doc Sicilia, new specifications

News on the Sicily Doc front. The new regulations are born.

Programming 1 July 2015

Expo, IRVO events on 5 July

A day entirely dedicated to Sicily and its wines at the Expo in Milan.

Laboratories 16 June 2015

Assivob, the new organic association

“Assivob” is born, the Sicilian Organic Wines and Oils Association.

Laboratories June 8, 2015

Sicilian almond, IRVO becomes a certifying body

IRVO will be the certifying body for the Sicilian Almond.

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