Category: News
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Internationalization 1 February 2012

CMO Wine Switzerland 2012

We inform you of the two meetings in Zurich and Lausanne on the 20th and...

Internationalization 1 February 2012

Companies and stands at Vinitaly 2012

Notice for companies Company Communication List of Participating Companies Stand – Technical Notes...

Internationalization 1 February 2012

Vinitaly 2012 – Taste & Buy

In this article you will find the program and module of the “TASTE & BUY –...

Laboratories 1 February 2012

The commission for DO wines has been established

“Sicilian wine qualifies itself more and more”.

Internationalization 10 January 2012

The prize, Sicily Terra Mediterranea

The award, Sicilia Terra Mediterranea Production and communication.

Programming 28 December 2011

IRVOS 2012 programme, meeting in Marsala

A very intense year ahead in terms of activities and initiatives...

Viticultural technical assistance 7 December 2011

Viticultural technical assistance

Among the fundamental tasks of the Institute, since its establishment, it has occupied a pre-eminent role...

Viticultural technical assistance 28 October 2011

Nero d'Avola “Sicilian Quality”

The “Nero d'Avola Sicilia di Qualità” brand is officially operational.

Internationalization 17 September 2011

Internationalization of Sicilian wines 2011

Internationalization of Sicilian Wines 2011 The Regional Institute of Vine and Wine is planning...

Viticultural technical assistance 30 August 2011

2011 harvest

Preliminary notes Harvest and vines The harvest, as winemakers know well, represents the...

Viticultural technical assistance 30 August 2011

Preliminary notes 2011 harvest

After the thermal trend lower than the average climatic values, recorded from the end of July to...

Viticultural technical assistance 30 August 2011

Harvest and vines

According to the Regional Agriculture Department, the vine production potential in 2011 is hectares...

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