Category: News
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Internationalization 16 June 2012

Sicilia Gusto Mediterraneo, 4 stops in Germany

“Sicily Mediterranean Taste”. This is the name of the IRVOS project conceived and organized by...

Internationalization 11 June 2012

Tim Atkin, Sicily: a continent comes of age

Here is what Tim Atkin, Master of Wine, writes about the wines of Sicily and...

Laboratories 9 June 2012

Irvos laboratories, inspections from Monday

Three days of inspection in the IRVOS Multisite Laboratories, including those of Alcamo...

Internationalization 5 June 2012

Brazilian stop for Sicilian wines

Stop in Brazil for seventeen Sicilian wineries.

Programming 5 June 2012

Sensory Analysis

Sensory analysis at the service of marketing Who thinks that sensory analysis is the same...

Laboratories 28 May 2012

Payments for certification and checks

All producers in the Sicilian Designations of Origin wine supply chain are hereby notified...

Programming 24 May 2012

To class in California

It will end on Saturday morning, May 26, with a visit to the vineyards and...

Internationalization 20 May 2012

Master of Wine

From Etna to Favignana. A week-long tour, from 11 to 19 May, which...

Programming 20 May 2012

Verbumcaudo, the Sicilian vine bank is born

The Verbumcaudo fiefdom of Polizzi Generosa is now available to everyone again.

Programming 20 May 2012

Brussels World Competition, Sicily fills up

Thirty-three Silver Medals, eleven Gold and three Grand Gold Medals.

Laboratories 16 May 2012

Prevention of vine diseases, Elisa is born

“Elisa”, or Enzyme-linked immunoassay. It is the name of the IRVOS laboratory which was...

Internationalization 9 May 2012

Promotion of Sicilian wines on the German market

The German market remains an important reference market for Italian wines...

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