Category: News
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Programming 24 September 2012

Marketing, the last stage of the training course in Catania

The training promoted by IRVOS on the subject of...

Programming 24 September 2012

Wines and Oils, the "jewels" of Sicily

Wine and oil, the two "treasures" of Sicily, were the protagonists of...

Programming 14 September 2012

Oil, redevelopment and quality in the foreground

The activity of IRVOS in the oil and olive oil world, "oriented towards improving the island's production in the name...

Programming 12 September 2012

Lessons on foreign markets, the next ones in Catania

Attention to foreign markets is one of the main aspects on which IRVOS...

Internationalization 6 September 2012

Sicilia Gusto Mediterraneo, Road Show in Frankfurt and Munich

 “Sicilia Gusto Mediterraneo” comes to life. In about a month, from the 8th to the 10th...

Internationalization 5 September 2012

Focus on the Sicilian wine world, the Polish tour

Sicily of wine and beyond was the destination of the tour promoted...

Programming 27 August 2012

2012 harvest, unjustified alarmism

It is unjustified alarmism. It will be a good harvest, perhaps a little dull, like...

Internationalization 6 August 2012

The wine that unites foreign winemakers for the harvest in Sicily

From August 16th to November 16th. This is the time frame that will see eight...

Programming 16 July 2012

Study trip to Burgundy

Get to know the most famous wine-growing areas in the world and at the same time learn more...

Internationalization 3 July 2012

Sicilia Gusto Mediterraneo, the presentation in Cologne

Twenty-one wines, from Grillo to Nero d'Avola up to the historic Marsala,...

Internationalization 23 June 2012

Sicilian wines in Brazil, boom in attendance

The Brazilian stage, promoted by IRVOS and organized by Michele, ended successfully...

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