Category: News
Page 18 of 24

Laboratories 19 November 2012

Mandatory payment methods

Notice: Bottling communications, Mandatory payment methods.

Internationalization 14 November 2012

Heroic viticulture, data presented in Lyon

Here are the data relating to the first studies conducted by the IRVOS scientific area (in the field...

Programming 6 November 2012

Lyon, Irvos presents data on Linosa

From 7 to 9 November. These are the dates of the fourth International Congress on...

Internationalization 4 November 2012

Irvos and Caep, tasting with foreign winemakers

“The wine that unites”. This is the philosophy that guided the experience, organized...

Internationalization 4 November 2012

Brussels and Warsaw, two events in one week for Sicilian Wines

Brussels and Poland. These are the next stages for the wines of Sicily: continues...

Internationalization 4 November 2012

London, boom for Sicilian wines

Sicily's quality wine leaves an important mark in London, with...

Internationalization 4 November 2012

Sicilia Gusto Mediterraneo, success in Frankfurt and Munich

Frankfurt and Munich. They were the first two stages, 8 and 10 October,...

Internationalization 30 October 2012

Olive oil, educational with the foreign press

Sicilian extra virgin olive oil will be the protagonist of the incoming event to be held...

Internationalization 28 September 2012

From Sicily to England, Sicilian wines are the protagonists

IRVOS's work on the internationalization front does not stop.

Programming 27 September 2012

Marcello Caruso, extraordinary commissioner of Irvos

Optimization of resources, marketing, DOC Sicilia and oil.

Internationalization 25 September 2012

Large-scale retail trade in China

 GDO CHINA – B2B MILAN, 15-16 OCTOBER – NAPLES, 17-18 OCTOBER 2012 The ICE-Agency...

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