Category: News
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Internationalization 1 March 2013

Sicily Terra Mediterranea, 2012 edition – Contributions

Enhance the elements of identity and improve its image on foreign markets.

Internationalization 19 February 2013

Tastings and seminars in Stockholm and Copenhagen

Tastings and seminars are underway in Stockholm and Copenhagen.

Internationalization 18 February 2013

Chinese buyers visiting the organic lands of Sicily

They are visiting food and wine Sicily far and wide.

Programming 15 February 2013

Inoveno in Marsala

Tuesday 19 February at 10.30 am, at the experimental cellar “G.

Internationalization 14 February 2013

Oslo, doubled attendance and debut of oil

Boom in attendance for the "Wine of Sicily tasting" which took place...

Programming 8 February 2013

Inoveno San Cipirrello

INOVENO's dissemination activity continues with a stop in San Cipirello (PA) at the...

Internationalization 7 February 2013

Sicilian wine and oil in Oslo

The promotion of Sicilian wine and oil. This is the goal of the “Wine of...

Programming 7 February 2013

Onav, the XVIII course begins

From March 12th to May 30th. It is the time frame in which it will take place...

Internationalization 30 January 2013

India, between debuts and certainties

The Sicilian brand. This was the objective that moved, and that...

Internationalization 25 January 2013

WinesSouth Asia, oriental food and Sicilian wines

Sicily at the first edition of ViniSud Asia, the international wine fair...

Programming 24 January 2013

Moscato Rosa becomes suitable for cultivation

A new grape variety expands Sicily's ampelographic platform.

Programming 22 January 2013

“The grapes tell”, conference in Palermo

“The grapes tell a story”. This is the title of the meeting that will be held on Thursday 24 January...

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