Category: News
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Programming 31 January 2014

“The grapes tell”, presentation in Marsala

The presentation of the book "The grapes...

Programming 15 January 2014

Interview with the director of Irvos

The wine of contradictions. Because the numbers, naked and raw, indicate some small...

Viticultural technical assistance 13 December 2013

Wine labeling, meeting in Ispica

The IRVOS Ispica laboratory opens to producers.

Viticultural technical assistance 10 December 2013

Etna sparkling wine, the first Doc

The first DOC for Etna sparkling wine arrives. IRVOS released a few days...

Programming 9 December 2013

Measure 124, the results of Inoveno and Avigere

Measure 124 “Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in...

Viticultural technical assistance 8 December 2013

Montpellier, precision viticulture

Stop in Montpellier for the direction of the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils...

Internationalization 2 December 2013

Internationalization Program 2014

Palermo NH Hotel Thursday 05 December 2013 from 09.30 to 13.00.

Internationalization 30 November 2013

Montecarlo Gastronomie, debut for Sicilian oil

Sicilian extra virgin olive oil in Montecarlo.

Programming 30 November 2013

Irvos opens to agri-food, collaboration with the Ispica Carrot Consortium

The Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily and the Consortium of...

Programming 30 November 2013

Irvos, first step in Ispica with agri-food

The Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily and the Consortium of...

Laboratories 24 November 2013

Workshop in Ispica, presentation of Irvos activities

It will be a central and reference hub for all of eastern Sicily.

Laboratories 24 November 2013

Irvos laboratories, workshop on the Igp carrot of Ispica

A workshop on the Ispica PGI new carrot. Its nutritional properties and...

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