Category: News
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Viticultural technical assistance 24 March 2014

Oil, refresher course in view of the PGI

New techniques for olive tree pruning. This was the theme of the two...

Programming 19 March 2014

Avigere, the results achieved

A WebGis at the service of Sicilian wine companies.

Programming 19 March 2014

Avigere, the results achieved

A WebGis at the service of Sicilian wine companies.

Viticultural technical assistance 14 March 2014

Over two years of research, Inoveno comes to an end

Two and a half years of studies and research. Six wineries involved.

Viticultural technical assistance 14 March 2014

Over two years of research, Inoveno comes to an end

Two and a half years of studies and research. Six wineries involved.

Programming 11 March 2014

Inoveno, final conference on Friday

Inoveno, the technological innovations project for Sicilian wine production promoted by IRVOS, turns...

Programming 11 March 2014

Avigere project, meeting on March 18th

In recent years, the agricultural world has expressed the need to delve deeper into the heritage...

Programming 8 March 2014

Capital Oil in Trieste

Between tastings, cooking shows and meetings with buyers, the experience of...

Programming 24 February 2014

Olio Capitale, the debut of Sicily

Thirteen Sicilian oil companies will be protagonists at the VIII Salone degli Oli Extravergini Tipici...

Viticultural technical assistance 10 February 2014

Avigere February 11th

11 February 2014 at the “Kursaal Kalhesa” Foro Italico Umberto I at 6pm.

Viticultural technical assistance 9 February 2014

“The Grapes Tell”, second edition

“The Uve Tell” reaches its second edition.

Internationalization 31 January 2014

Sicily.L'Isola dell'Olivo, Gourmand Awards

Sicily. The Island of the Olive”, curated by Andrea Zanfi, created in collaboration with IRVOS and...

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