Category: Laboratories
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Laboratories 9 May 2014

Accredia, inspection team

The inspection operations of the Accredia team concluded on Friday 9 May.

Laboratories 22 April 2014

Reduction of the alcohol content in wines, new project

The OK has arrived for a new project by IRVOS. Having recently concluded,...

Laboratories 22 April 2014

Reduction of the alcohol content in wines, new project

The OK has arrived for a new project by IRVOS. Having recently concluded,...

Laboratories 24 November 2013

Workshop in Ispica, presentation of Irvos activities

It will be a central and reference hub for all of eastern Sicily.

Laboratories 24 November 2013

Irvos laboratories, workshop on the Igp carrot of Ispica

A workshop on the Ispica PGI new carrot. Its nutritional properties and...

Laboratories 22 November 2013

Oil and wine in research

A regional database of native vines is now a reality thanks to...

Laboratories 19 November 2013

Wine, oil and research. Conference in Marsala

Wine, oil and research. These will be the themes of the two days that will take place...

Laboratories 19 November 2013

Wine, oil and research. Conference in Marsala

Wine, oil and research. These will be the themes of the two days that will take place...

Laboratories 1 July 2013

Irvos laboratories: Accredia evaluation visit

From Tuesday 25 June to Thursday 27 June the inspectors designated by the Department...

Laboratories 12 June 2013

Promed, the final conference in Malta

The research and experimentation in the wine sector carried out over the years...

Laboratories 5 June 2013

The Promed project at the 36th OIV Congress

“Ampelographic characterization of the Girgentina and Gellewza grapes cultivars grown in Malta island”.

Laboratories 13 March 2013

Inoveno, research dialogues with students

An intense day in the name of scientific research.

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