Category: Internationalization
Pagina 7 di 9

Internationalization 16 June 2012

Sicilia Gusto Mediterraneo, 4 stops in Germany

“Sicily Mediterranean Taste”. This is the name of the IRVOS project conceived and organized by...

Internationalization 11 June 2012

Tim Atkin, Sicily: a continent comes of age

Here is what Tim Atkin, Master of Wine, writes about the wines of Sicily and...

Internationalization 5 June 2012

Brazilian stop for Sicilian wines

Stop in Brazil for seventeen Sicilian wineries.

Internationalization 20 May 2012

Master of Wine

From Etna to Favignana. A week-long tour, from 11 to 19 May, which...

Internationalization 9 May 2012

Promotion of Sicilian wines on the German market

The German market remains an important reference market for Italian wines...

Internationalization 14 April 2012

CAEP, internships and internationalization

Selections open to participate in a paid wine internship period in the USA,...

Internationalization 14 April 2012

Sicily Terra Mediterranea, 2012 edition

You have until December 1st 2012 to participate in the new edition of...

Internationalization 12 April 2012

Irvos brings Sicilian wines to Brazil

From 26 to 29 June 2012 they will take place in the city of San...

Internationalization 12 April 2012

Eataly – Sicilian wines in the USA

The Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily and the Department of Agricultural and Food Resources...

Internationalization 11 April 2012

Cibus – XVI International Food Exhibition

The Regional Department of Agricultural and Food Resources of the Sicilian Region in collaboration with...

Internationalization 6 April 2012

The Sicily of wine in Hong Kong

 From 26th to 28th May. These are the days that will see Sicily as the protagonist...

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