Category: Viticultural technical assistance
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Viticultural technical assistance 14 March 2014

Over two years of research, Inoveno comes to an end

Two and a half years of studies and research. Six wineries involved.

Viticultural technical assistance 10 February 2014

Avigere February 11th

11 February 2014 at the “Kursaal Kalhesa” Foro Italico Umberto I at 6pm.

Viticultural technical assistance 9 February 2014

“The Grapes Tell”, second edition

“The Uve Tell” reaches its second edition.

Viticultural technical assistance 13 December 2013

Wine labeling, meeting in Ispica

The IRVOS Ispica laboratory opens to producers.

Viticultural technical assistance 10 December 2013

Etna sparkling wine, the first Doc

The first DOC for Etna sparkling wine arrives. IRVOS released a few days...

Viticultural technical assistance 8 December 2013

Montpellier, precision viticulture

Stop in Montpellier for the direction of the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils...

Viticultural technical assistance 30 August 2013

The ASCA laboratory becomes IRVOS laboratory

The “Analysis and Services for Certification in Agriculture” laboratory (A.

Viticultural technical assistance 13 July 2013

Precision agriculture, Irvos in Spain

Researchers and technicians from all over the world gathered to discuss...

Viticultural technical assistance 14 April 2012

Wine and foreign markets: strategy and communication

There is still time to join the course, aimed at technicians and operators of...

Viticultural technical assistance 3 February 2012

Health control of grapevine viruses and phytoplasmas

The Regional Institute of Vine and Wine in 2012 planned to activate...

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