
20 April 2015

Simple Civic Access

Civic Access, governed by art. 5 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33, modified by art. 6 of Legislative Decree 25.05.16 n.97 (see annex 1) recognizes anyone the right to request documents, information or data of which the mandatory publication pursuant to the aforementioned Legislative Decree on the Institution's institutional website has been omitted in “Transparent Administration” section

Administrative procedure for the exercise of the right to simple civic access

The request for Civic Access must be forwarded to the Manager responsible for the functions relating to civic access, delegated by the Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency; this request is free and does not need to be motivated.

With DRPCT no. 1/15 (annex no. 3) Dr. Vincenzo Barletta, administrative manager in service at this Institute, was delegated for this purpose.

The request, duly signed, to be drawn up in accordance with the specially prepared form (annex no. 4) with attached copy of a valid identification document, must be forwarded using one of the following methods:

– by email to the address: [email protected]

– by ordinary mail to the following address: Regional Institute of Wine and Oil – Director delegated for civic access – Via Libertà n. 66 90100 – Palermo

– at the headquarters of the organization in Via Libertà n. 66 from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and on Wednesday from 16.00 to 17.30

Description of the procedure

The Manager delegated to Civic Access, having received the request for publication of documents, information or data, first checks whether the requested documents are subject to an obligation to publish pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 33 /2013.

In the event that the publication obligation does not apply, the Manager delegated to Civic Access will notify the applicant who, if the conditions are met, will be able to make a request for "generalized" civic access - pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 33/2013 - or "documentary" access pursuant to regional law 30 April 1991, n. 10 and law 7 August 1990, n. 241.

In the event that there is an obligation to publish and the requested document, information or data is already published, the Delegated Manager will communicate to the applicant indicating the relevant hyperlink as required by current legislation on the matter.

However, in the event of failure to publish, the Manager delegated to Civic Access transmits the request, according to subject matter jurisdiction, to the person competent for the publication of the document, information or data requested and at the same time informs the requesting party.

The person responsible for the publication of the document, information or data requested in turn transmits it to the person responsible for the publication procedure of the Institution who arranges for its material publication on the Institute's institutional website in the "transparent administration" section and communicates also to the Manager delegated for civic access the publication and the related hyperlink pursuant to the art. 5 paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 33/13. The latter informs the applicant accordingly.

The procedure must be completed within 30 days.

Remedies in the event of refusal, deferral or limitations of access

In the event of total or partial denial of access or failure to respond within the deadline indicated above, the applicant may submit a request for review to the Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency, who decides with a reasoned provision within the deadline. 20 days.(MOD all.6)

If access has been denied or deferred for the protection of personal data, the Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency shall acquire the opinion of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, who must give his opinion within 10 days of receipt of the communication. In this case, the deadline for the adoption of the measure by the Manager is suspended until the opinion of the Guarantor is obtained and, in any case, for a period not exceeding the aforementioned 10 days.

An appeal may be lodged with the Regional Administrative Court against the decision of the Administration or, in the case of a request for review, against that of the Responsible for the prevention of corruption and transparency, pursuant to article 116 of the legislative decree of 2 July 2010, n. 104 (Administrative Process Code)



Manager delegated for civic access

Dr. Vincenzo Barletta

Telephone 0916278211

Email address: [email protected]

Subject holding the substitutive power

Dr. Maria Laura Germanà – Responsible for the prevention of corruption and for transparency and integrity

Telephone: 0916278214

Email address: [email protected]


Attachment 1 Art. 5, 5bis and 5 ter Legislative Decree 33-13

Attachment 2 PTPCT Irvo

Attachment 3 DPRCT n. 1-15

Attachment 4 Civic access request form

Attachment 5 Extraordinary Commissioner Resolution no. 18/2016

Attachment 6 Review request form

Attachment 7 Art.116 Legislative Decree. 104-10

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