27 June 2024

Final List of Beneficiaries Public Notice DDG 208/2024 Aid for Social Cellars

DDG n° 267/2024   “Approvazione Elenco Definitivo Beneficiari, Impegno delle somme concesse  e Concessione aiuti a valere sull’Avviso Pubblico IRVO di cui al DDG n. 208/2024 aiuti Cantine Sociali per maggiori oneri finanziari dovuti conflitto Russia-Ucraina (aiuti art. 22 commi 28-31 della L.R. n. 25 del 21/11/2023)”

DDG n° 267/2024

Tabella A -Elenco Definitivo Beneficiari


Ultime notizie

News 6 May 2024

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News 15 April 2024

List of technological solutions adopted by SAs for the automation of their activities

At present, IRVO has not envisaged automation of activities; the P purchasing portal is used to manage the life cycle of contracts.

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