
30 December 2020

Appointment documents for expired bodies

Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Antonio Giannettino DPn06 Serv.1S.G. dated 10-01-2023 IRVO "Revocation of the Board of Directors and Appointment of Extraordinary Commissioner"

Act of appointment dated 07/07/2020 - Extension of the position of Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Alessia Davì

Act of appointment dated 15/05/2020 - Extension of the position of Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Alessia Davì

Appointment act DPRS n. 132 of 04/03/2020 – Extension of the position of Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Alessia Davì

Extension decree of Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Alessia Davì

Act of appointment of Extraordinary Commissioner Dr. Alessia Davì DP 561/Serv.1°/SG dated 14/08/2019

Appointment of Acta Commissioner Dr. Alessia Davì

Extension of Commissioner powers to Acta

Extension of commissioner powers to Acta

Extension of office of Acta Commissioner Dr. Alessia Davì

Extension of office of Acta Commissioner Dr. Alessia Davì

I renew the appointment of Dr. Alessia Davì as Acting Commissioner

DA 123/GAB Appointment of IRVO ad acta commissioner Alessia Davì

Extension of office Commissioner of IRVO Dr. Vincenzo Pernice

Removal of the Board of Directors and appointment of Dr. Vincenzo Pernice Extraordinary Commissioner DA Agriculture n.46 of 02/21/2018

Appointment of the Extraordinary Board of Auditors DA Agriculture n.3 of 01/31/2018

Appointment of Dr. Ferrantello Acta Commissioner IRVO DA Agriculture n. 94 of 12/27/2017 

DPRS n° 116 of 5/04/2017 appointment of the IRVO Board of Directors

Council Resolution no. 83/2016

DPRS n° 109/2016 appoints extraordinary commissioner

DPRS notification Dr. Giacone

Declaration of non-transferability and incompatibility Dr. Giacone

Prospectus of deliberative acts for administrative action

DPRS n. 465-16 Extension Dr. Giacone as Extraordinary Commissioner

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News 6 May 2024

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News 30 April 2024

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News 15 April 2024

List of technological solutions adopted by SAs for the automation of their activities

At present, IRVO has not envisaged automation of activities; the P purchasing portal is used to manage the life cycle of contracts.

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