
18 February 2016

Dematerialization of wine registers

Friday 26 February 9.30 am Cantine Patria – Solicchiata SS 120, km 194,500 – Castiglione di Sicilia (CT)- Friday 4 March 3.00 pm c/o Agricultural Technical Institute, via Trapani 218 – Marsala (TP). The Public Administration is updating itself: with the introduction of electronic documents and the dematerialisation of wine registers, a big step has been taken towards the simplification of bureaucracy. The dematerialisation of registers leads to a reorganization of some production processes, to be grasped

as an opportunity for business growth. To respond promptly to regulatory, technological and organizational innovation, it is important to equip ourselves with adequate management solutions that accompany the winery towards these new objectives.

Program and invitation Castiglione in SicilyMarsala

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