
16 May 2014

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Beijing, trade agreements

pechino_accordiCommercial agreements for the world of Sicilian wine have just been concluded in Beijing. A delegation of Sicilian wineries, led by IRVOS, by Pro.Vi.Di. and by CSR, under the impetus of the Agriculture Department, it was in fact the protagonist of a meeting that took place at the Italian embassy.

Important Chinese large-scale retail operators thus had the opportunity to taste Sicilian wines. But not only. A three-year promotional investment project was also presented. The main objective of the program will be to decisively develop Sicilian exports of quality wine. The Italian embassy, represented by the first secretary Nikola Jovanovic, showed great availability. Complimenting the Sicilian delegation, Jovanovic said he was ready to support IRVOS and companies in China. An important step therefore and an opening towards one of the most important emerging markets. 

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