
28 March 2014

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Prowein 2014

Lucio Monte, Direttore Generale IRVOS: Vino e Olio della Sicilia a Prowein 2014

Dusseldorf 25 March 2014 – Interview by Giuseppe Danielli, Director of with Lucio Monte, General Director of IRVOS. The Regional Institute, established in 1950, was born as a public body at the service of Sicilian viticulture, responsible for the protection, evolution and promotion of Sicilian wine production. With LR 2/2007 the IRVV is recognized as a research body of the Sicilian Region. The organization has its headquarters in Palermo and peripheral offices in Alcamo, Marsala, Milazzo and Noto. It has two technical offices in Canicattì and Castiglione.


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