
9 December 2013

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Measure 124, the results of Inoveno and Avigere

giarreMeasure 124 "Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors" financed 48 cooperation projects for the transfer, verification and testing of innovation.

The objective of the measure is to promote modernization and innovation in businesses and the integration of supply chains, through collaboration and cooperation between primary producers, processing and marketing companies, companies supplying tools, technologies and services , public and private entities operating in the sector
pre-competitive research and experimentation.
The conference was held in Giarre, in the Catania area, and saw the presence of IRVOS. In fact, the results of the Avigere and Inoveno projects were shown. Following the presentations of Daniele Oliva, head of the technical-scientific area, and Felice Capraro, manager of the Winemaking Innovation Transfer Unit.

Presentation Avigere

Inoveno presentation

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