13 November 2013

1st International Forum of the wine market


The first International Forum of the Wine Economy and Market. It will take place in Marsala, European City of Wine, from 15 to 17 November. The event is organized in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural and Food Resources of the Sicily Region and the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily.


At the center of the debate are the socio-economic aspects of the entire wine supply chain. The "Marsala Charter" will also be drawn up, i.e. a programmatic manifesto which will be the result of the contribution of the actors of the entire wine sector, not just Sicilian. In fact, the protagonists of the Forum will be the companies that, with their contribution of experience and medium and long-term vision, will be able to give the right parameters and directives.

Sustainability and Territory therefore in the foreground, together with protection and promotion opportunities. On Sunday morning the president of Recevin, Paulo Veranda, will proclaim the European City of Wine of 2014. A title that will go to a Spanish City of Wine. A large institutional delegation and journalists from Jerez de la Frontera, one of the candidate Spanish Wine Cities, will be present in Marsala. Among the interventions of the institutions: Rosario Crocetta, president of the Sicilian Region, Giulia Adamo, mayor of Marsala, Dario Cartabellotta, regional councilor for Agricultural and Food Resources, Leoluca Orlando, mayor of Palermo, Lucio Monte, director of IRVOS, Paulo Veranda, president of RECEVIN , Pietro Iadanza, president of the National Association of Wine Cities. More details on the site www.marsala2013.eu.








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