
11 September 2013

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London International Wine Fair 2014

lwf_2014_logo_webFrom 2 to 4 June 2014 the thirty-fourth edition of the wine and alcoholic products exhibition called "London International Wine Fair”.  In order to allow this Institute to evaluate the possibility of participating with a good representation of Sicilian producers, we invite you to communicate, via membership form, your desire to participate. Taking into account the deadline for submitting applications set by the London Fair, the request for participation must reach this Institute no later than deadline of 11 October 2013.(by email   [email protected]the time limit established above is mandatory.

Membership form Circular




Please note that in the event that the conditions for participation in the Event are met (adequate number of participating companies and financial availability of IRVOS), the participation fee that companies will be required to pay to join the event has been set by the 'Institute a euro 1,000.00 + VAT


This fee includes:

– Dossier registration

– Registration for the general fair catalogue

- Exhibition area

– exhibition structures and related services   

– Transport of goods from Palermo to London and related entry taxes

– glass service and related cleaning

– Bilingual Hostess Service (Italian, English)



This communication, even before committing areas and services, has the aim of evaluating the real willingness of the companies, also based on the participation fee, to participate in the event,

Subsequent more detailed communications will be sent to companies who will communicate their desire to participate and who will sign their willingness to pay the fee in the event that the event is held.

By October 25th, this Institute will be responsible for providing information regarding whether or not the Event will take place


Giuseppe Torina

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