
3 June 2013

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The Minister responds to the IRVOS commissioner


Quality, transparency and excellence. These are the three parameters with which Made in Italy will be able to beat the competition in the agri-food sector. This is supported by Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Nunzia De Girolamo. A belief reiterated this morning on the pages of the newspaper La Stampa in response to the editorial, published in the same on May 31st, edited by the nutritionist and commissioner of the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily Giorgio Calabrese.

The IRVOS commissioner's analysis focused on the risks of low-cost food and the national emergency of food that stands out for its quality. “I confess that reading Professor Calabrese's analysis – these are the words of Minister De Girolamo – I felt less alone”.


Professor Calabrese, “an authority on the subject, invites me to support the idea of aid for courageous producers who are committed to quality. I agree with him, but regardless of the current situation of public finances, beyond the otherwise important Common Agricultural Policy funds, no other forms of incentives are envisaged as they could contravene the rules on free competition and the market" . But three paths, according to Minister De Girolamo, can be undertaken immediately, namely: “using fiscal leverage to help production maintain a high level of quality and low costs; intervene in the distribution chain because the share of value that remains in the hands of farmers is too low and no longer profitable in the long term; fight with the utmost severity agro-piracy which pollutes twice”. Roads to follow, again according to the Minister, together with trade organisations.

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