
20 July 2012


Prot 12253/ODCC of 07/20/2012


SUBJECTMENT FOR THE DOC “SICILIA”, FOR THE IGT “TERRE SICILIANE” AND FOR THE OTHER IGTs (Avola, Camarro, Fontanarossa di Cerda, Salemi, Salina, Valle Belice)


To all the companies in the Sicilian wine supply chain


The Regional Department of Agricultural and Food Resources, having consulted the Trade Associations and the inter-professional organisations, the Protection Consortia and the wine supply chain concerned, reported to the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies our. Institute as Control Structure, to be entrusted with the task of checks and controls of the DOC "Sicilia" and the IGT "Terre Siciliane" whose claim will start from the imminent next 2012/2013 harvest campaign and of the other IGT of Sicilian wines ( Avola, Camarro, Fontanarossa di Cerda, Salemi, Salina, Valle Belice), controls prescribed by the recent Ministerial Decree 794 of 14/06/2012 “Approval of the control plan scheme, in application of article 13, paragraph 17, of the legislative decree 8 April 2010, n. 61 concerning the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications of wines"

We have therefore sent the Verification and Control Plans and related Price Lists of both the "Sicilia" DOC and the IGT as well as the other DOs to the Mipaaf, in light of the new Verification and Control Plan scheme referred to in the aforementioned Ministerial Decree. dated 06/14/2012.

For pre-existing DOs, the submission already made remains valid.

For the DOC “Sicilia” and for the IGTs, including the IGT “Terre Siciliane”, the interested companies must first submit to our. OdCC.

Given the highly restricted operating times for the aforementioned subjection, for the consequent release to companies of access credentials to our. IT portal responsible for controls, for the uploading of wine stocks by companies, etc., we thought of starting the submission phase, awaiting the official designation of Mipaaf with the issuing of the managerial decree of assignment and approval of Control Plans.

You can therefore download from our. site, to the following link checks-and-certifications the application forms for submission and send them to us. This submission will allow you to begin accreditation operations with us. IT portal, but will be considered "effective" with the issuing of the aforementioned executive decree by Mipaaf, by 31 July next

We also remind interested companies (see our communication dated 05/22/2012 and, in any case, notice + form below link stocks of IGT wines) that as prescribed in the art. 4 of the Decree recognizing the DOC "Sicilia", they must communicate to us, as soon as possible, the stocks as of 07/31/2012 of bulk and bottled IGT "Sicilia" wine, coming from the 2011 and previous harvests.

These stocks may continue to be marketed under the name IGT “Sicilia” until the stocks are physically exhausted. To this end it will be necessary that the declared stocks at 07/31/2012 of bulk wine with IGT “Sicilia” in your possession are promptly uploaded to our. IT portal for checks so that you can then proceed with the bottling communications and other procedures, provided for the IGTs by the Ministerial Decree 06/14/2012 and by the new scheme of "Checks and Controls Plan for Protected Geographical Indications" referred to in 'Annex 4 of the aforementioned Ministerial Decree.


             Signed (Dr. Lucio G. Monte)

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