President and Board of Directors

[email protected]

The functions delegated to the Board of Directors by current regulations are the following:

• the definition of objectives, priorities, plans, programs and general directives for administrative action and management;
• the approval of the budget estimate and its variations, as well as the final budget;
• the adoption of the statute and regulations of the organization and the decisions relating to the organic plan;
• the definition of general criteria regarding tariffs, fees and similar charges payable to third parties;
• verification of the compliance of the results of the administrative and management activities with the guidelines given, in compliance with the provisions of articles 1,2,4,5,6 and 9 of the legislative decree of 30 July 1999, n. 286 and subsequent amendments and additions
• appointments, designations and similar acts attributed to it by specific provisions
The President is the legal representative of the Organization and is responsible for:
• Convene and chair the meetings of the Board of Directors, ensuring their smooth running and directing the discussions and votes
• Formulate the agenda of the sessions
• Enter into memorandums of understanding with public and private bodies
• Appointments, designations and similar acts attributed to it by specific legal provisions
• externalize the general directives taken by the Council

The political body is currently represented, as per DA 41 of 06/09/2023 And DA 42 of 11/09/2023,

DA 44 of 09/28/2023 , DA 46 of 10/19/2023, DA 48 of 10.11.2023, DA n.55_01/12/2023 , DA n.57_11/12/2023, DA n.60_21/12/2023 , DA n.02 /2024FROM 10 01/24/2024, FROM 12 30/01/2024  FROM 13 12/02/2024  DA 17 of 02/28/2024  DA22/2024  FROM 30/2024  DA37-24  DA 39 -24 of 8 5 24,804 by the Acting Commissioner Dr. Giovanni Cucchiara

The extraordinary board of auditors, appointed with DPRS. n.38 and 39 of 17 and 22 /05/2018 respectively, and took office on 05/23/2018 and is made up of Dr. Vincenzo Di Lorenzo and Dr. Filippa Bonanno

Assigned personnel:

– Dr. Silvana Farinella (SAS) Tel. 091 6278248

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